Mural in NY

EUA - Nova Iorque, 2017

Independent project dedicated to hip hop culture - both old and new school.

The two huge murals are located at 14th street between 6th and 7th.

Pictures by Martha Cooper.

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Mural in NY

image1 (6) Mural NY_1_bx Mural NY_2_bx Mural NY_3_bx image1 (4) Cópia de image1 (6) Cópia de image1 (5) Mural NY 2017" class="typeimage" data-selecionado="0" data-img="" data-largurafull="" data-alturafull="" data-copy=""> Mural in NY
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  • image1 (6) Mural NY_1_bx Mural NY_2_bx Mural NY_3_bx image1 (4) Cópia de image1 (6) Cópia de image1 (5) Mural NY 2017" class="img0 thumbSingle" data-selecionado="image1 (6) Mural NY_1_bx Mural NY_2_bx Mural NY_3_bx image1 (4) Cópia de image1 (6) Cópia de image1 (5) Mural NY 2017" data-img="">